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We've got options for you.

We offer three sizes of CSA Shares from our Farm.





The Single Share is recommended for 1-2 adults or seniors. 


The Single Shares will receive the same amount of fruits as the Family Share, so you won't miss out on Apples or Melons!


The Single Share will be packed into 1/2 bushel boxes, and it will be over half full (very comparable to a Quarter Bushel)​. There are no quarter bushel sized boxes available so we are using the 1/2 bu. size. 




**This is our most popular CSA Share size option we have, about 60% of our Members choose this size.


An average family of 3-4 will be best suited by a half share box, which is comparable to 1 brown grocery bag full of produce each week. 


The Family Share is a packed into a 5/9th bushel box every week for the 16-wk season.





This CSA Share is meant for a large family of 6-8 or for a family who enjoys storing produce for the off season.


 This is exactly twice the amount of produce that the Family Share contains, about 2 brown grocery bags full of produce each week. 


The Jumbo Share is packed into a 1 1/9th bushel box every week for the 16-wk season.




All 3 of these CSA Share size options are delivered weekly for 16 weeks, from June 17th to October 3rd, 2024.


All of our Members are automatically signed up to get the weekly blog post that will include the weekly newsletter. In my newsletter, I write about general farm happenings from my perspective as the 'Farmer's Wife', what we have been up to in the fields, what we are harvesting & including in your Share for the week, storage tips and recipes! I also include funny stories in there and general seasonal info with a touch of homesteading. I get a lot of feedback about my blog posts and how helpful they are.


Everyone will receive the Farm to Table Storage Guide! I created a huge PDF handbook for the produce that we grow which includes descriptions, uses, pictures, storage tips & preparation tricks!


It's literally over 40 pages. Talks about what to do with your beet greens or what the different levels of starches in the potatoes means, which varieties to use for different recipes.  For example. 


We offer a handful of additional Share options, including the Fall Storage Share, the Apple Share and the Honey Shares. These shares are only available for those who have signed up for CSA Membership, they're a heck of a deal!! 

E X A M P L E S   O F   P R E V I O U S   S E A S O N S 



One of the best ways to get a better idea of what to expect is to look at previous seasons of our CSA Program. While we make small adjustments from season to season to reflect our Member's preferences, the majority of our harvest schedule stays consistent from year to year. 


Here is a link to a gallery with a picture of each week's CSA Share box contents. (All pictures are the Family Share size unless noted otherwise). Taking a peek at the previous box contents might help you decide which size is best for you!

box label example.png

We use USDA Food Grade boxes for your CSA Shares. They are wax covered boxes, so they do not weaken like a normal box would after 16 weeks of use. It helps the produce have a safe way to travel while offering  the greatest amount of food safety to our Members.


Each box will have a Member’s name on the label. Each Member will get two brand new boxes in the beginning of the year. The boxes are on a rotation, so when we deliver a box full of produce we will take the empty box from the previous week. Some Members choose to bring reusable bags to empty their CSA boxes into, while leaving the CSA box at the pick up site to avoid forgetting to return it.


If you forget to return the box, there will not be any penalty. We understand that summertime can get busy and that returning CSA boxes is not always at the top of the priority list. If you have disposed of your CSA boxes and need new boxes with custom labels, there will be a fee to cover the replacement box.


This sticker is an example of how our boxes would be labeled if Ben & I purchased a CSA Share. It also includes our contact information at the bottom, so if anyone ever has questions we are easy to reach!

W H A T   I F   Y O U   C A N 'T   P I C K   U P?

We have a few options for you.


1. You can change your delivery site for that week’s delivery. If you are offering the share to someone who doesn’t live nearby, you can choose from one of our other 20 residential sites to have the share delivered to; that way it’s more convenient for whomever is getting your share that week. We need to know about a week in advance if you'd like to change the delivery site.


2. The second option is keeping your delivery as scheduled and offering it to someone else to pick up. If you choose this option, we don't need to be notified of the change. Please make sure to explain how it works to them, so they know to take the CSA Share labeled with your last name. If your guest takes someone else's CSA by mistake, you will be charged a $50 fee which would cover the additional produce we will offer them & special delivery fee to get the produce to them.


3. The final option is offering your CSA Share for donation to the food shelf. It is disassembled at the food shelf so more than one family benefits from that produce, and is delivered in addition to the normal amount of produce we donate on a weekly basis. These donated shares go straight to CAER (Community Aid Elk River) which is our local Food Shelf. New this season, there is a link at the bottom of every weekly newsletter that we send out during the CSA season that has an easy form to donate your CSA, to make donating even easier. 

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