Good afternoon All!
It feels weird wrapping up for the season because it all went so fast. It's like your kids growing up- don't blink because the years really do fly by! The season moves at such a fast pace that it's here and gone before we know it.
It's hard work but an honest way to earn a living. By supporting our farm in this special way you're enabling Ben & I to live out our dreams operating this farm, entertaining ourselves with day-to-day tasks on the farm here. Veggies, livestock, awesome neighbors and freedom.. There's no place I'd rather be!!
We are ready for a break this fall but we're thankful we've been so busy. We appreciate your business!! I should also make mention that we appreciate our crew very much. Without the extra hands on this farm none of this would be possible, literally! We're actually going to have everyone out on Tuesday for one more day of field clean up and the plan is to roast hot dogs and smores over the fire. I'll get some baked beans going too which will be really nice for a cool day working outside.
It's crazy how much satisfaction we get from the last week of CSAs. Our commitment was fulfilled! Even though the season started & went a little late- I feel like we did our absolute best to get the best produce in all of your hands. Harvesting at it's peak ripeness for flavor, and harvesting every morning for freshness!
As you likely know, we are having a sale at the farm this weekend. Tomorrow and Sunday from 9-5 and then we're done for the season. The food shelf comes Monday to pick up some pumpkins we're donating, and lots of squash I'm sure.
If you'd like to join us, our address is 7526 160th Ave, Oak Park MN 56357. It's also in google so if just google "Brown Family Farm" it'll bring you right to us here.
I mentioned this before because it's a mom thing- sorry not sorry- haha! There is also the biggest corn maze in the world just a few miles from the farm here. (At Stony Brook Farm). Maybe come visit the sale and then go to the maze? Or go to the Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge which has tens of miles of trails- and it's free to get in there to take a hike! It doesn't require an entry fee or state park sticker or anything like that.
At the sale we will have: Squash!! Apples (# 1s and # 2s), all kinds of potatoes, carrots, beets, honey!, onions, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, all of my caned goodies (I'm actually making more salsa, today!!), cabbage, and other things I'm sure I'm forgetting. There will be a WHOLE GARAGE FULL OF GOODIES!!
We will be selling everything in bulk at wholesale pricing, or as individuals! If you want 1 squash or 100, we've got you! For the squash, we just give you a box and let you fill it with whatever varieties you want. Consider it like a tetris puzzle! As many as you can fit, $30 for a box full.
As mentioned before, here at the farm Ben & I will be up at the garage selling produce but you're welcome to walk around the front yard. We've got pigs everywhere (literally, in our front yard basically). All of our chickens that live in the barn (also right up by the driveway), and of course there's just plenty of fresh air to go around!! As long as you're not downwind of the pigs ;P

We were loading pigs on Tuesday night in the dark. As you can imagine, it was a hard job to do moving these 300-350 pound pigs into the trailer. A quick note- you can't make them do anything, it has to be their idea.
So Kelsi comes outside in her PJs with wet hair, fresh out of the tub. I hollered to her to go inside because she's not dressed to be outside!! This little stinker comes running back outside with a hat on. Mind you, still no socks and shoes! This picture of her mid-run reminds me of sasquatch and made me chuckle- I figured you might get a kick out of it too. Kids are so silly!!
We would be happy to have your boxes back to use for next season. If you could return them to your site this week before Wednesday that would be fabulous! Or even if you're by a different site you could return them anywhere really. When they get back to the farm they're not inventoried- the labels are taken off and they're stored for winter. So it doesn't matter where you return them to. And if you're using the bigger boxes (or any of them) for storage, please don't fret about returning them. We want this to be convenient for you!! Whatever is easiest is great!
FOR NEXT SEASON We would be happy to have you join us again next season! As Returning Members you get an entire month to sign up before we give the special link to the waiting list. So you'll have the entire month of January to sign up! Then February 1st we open our Membership to the waiting list. We have over 200 people on the waiting list and I'm not sure if we'll even have shares to sell to the public (which opens Feb 15th).
If you have friends or family that would like to join us, please give them this link: It'll bring them to our Membership page where they can enter their email into the form and that way they'll get the special invite to sign up before our shares go public mid-February. I'd strongly suggest encouraging them to get on the waiting list if they'd like to join us next season.
I'd like to leave you on this note-
Food is our love language. It's spoken in every corner of the world and is always a sure, clear way to say "I love you!" Think of all the fond memories baking with Grandma or roasting veggies with your own kids. I think back to my college days when I'd dig into the fridge at mom and dads- mom always had my favorites in the fridge for when we'd come home to visit. To me that says I LOVE YOU!! Loud and clear.
We love what we do and appreciate the opportunity to grow for so many of your families. Being a part of your own family's love language is very special & something we don't take for granted.
Thank you for letting us be a part of your family's memories and nutrition- in the most special way!!
I hope you all enjoyed your produce as much as we enjoyed growing it for you <3
~The Farmer's Wife

Thanks for another awesome season! I do live my crop share (as do my neighbors when I have extras!)