We have some more exciting news for this season... eeek!!

We are raising pigs this season! We have raised pigs in the past but never for sale. We’ve raised a couple for ourselves and done it backyard butcher style, but this time around we’ve secured ourselves about a dozen slots at the local butcher for the beginning of November.
There are SO MANY important details about them that I want to share with you. I knew I wasn't going to be able to list everything out here because let's be real, there is a lot to it!! Where do they live, what do they eat, how much space do they have, what does it cost? Well folks, I made another webpage on our site that answers all of those questions! I will add the link below, but first...
Our pigs are for sale to CSA Members ONLY! We won't be accepting any new customers in this venture. I have a sign up list on our pork page that I will use as the only way to order pork (link below). That way it's honest and I can just start at the top of the list and work my way down, taking orders for wholes or halves until all of our pigs spoken for.
Some of you may wonder why we wouldn't just put it online on the website (where you likely bought your CSA Share this season). The answer is because I am filtering our orders. If I put it online there is no way I could double check their CSA Member status before an order was submitted. So this is my way of making sure it's only current CSA Members who are getting our pigs this season.

They LOVE to root up the ground around the feeder in particular. This picture from a week ago has a lot of grass still- whereas now they've done a real number on the grass, roots and small trees. Which is no problem at all. We gave them this space to exercise their instincts; have at it! ;)
I look forward to posting more about the pigs as the season progresses!! If you are interested in getting pork this season make sure you click the link below and get your name on the list. I'll post to our blog and FB when we sell out, and if your name is on the pig list you'll get a direct email from me.
We look forward to expanding next season and adding a few more pigs to our farmscape. We will again make sure that only CSA Members are able to purchase pigs. The email list we create (the "pig list") will have special priority for next season's pigs, which we will elaborate on more before we open 2022 Membership.
To read more about our new friends on the farm:
Thank you for your constant support and encouragement. With your help we will continue to make our farm as regenerative and sustainable as possible. This is one new avenue that we're thrilled to add!!
Stay well friends,
~The Farmer's Wife