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Good morning All,

It's a fine day over here on the farm. A little chilly, this morning started out at -10 degrees (not including wind chill), but we have PLENTY of warmer days ahead of us!

Thank you for joining us for this season's CSA Share program! Our first deliveries will be the third week of June and we run through the beginning of October. If you're receiving this email, it means that you've either paid in full for your CSA or have a payment plan set up. We are just about at capacity; we've got about 5% availability left for this season and are selling out of Shares sooner than ever before. Thank you for getting in on your Share already!!

We look forward to the opportunity to grow for you and yours this season!

Check out these lettuces! This was taken during week 2 of last season. We harvest, rinse & let them drip dry, before we put them into your CSA boxes. I can barely wait for this crunch again... we love fresh greens!!

Meet your Farmers

Since we're still under a bit of snow here and have a few weeks until we start the greenhouse, I figure I'd start out this spring's communications with an introduction, or re-introduction!

We started out farm in 2012 with a small plot in the backyard and one roadside stand. When we talk about growing the farm from the ground up, we mean it in every literal sense of the word. Moving forward we have focused our entire farm on operating a weekly vegetable CSA that we have been doing for 9 years now! We started with 18 CSA Members and now serve hundreds of families around our area, driving around the metro area to deliver our produce to about 20 different pick-up sites. We operate one farm stand too- it's in Zimmerman at Hudon's Hardware Hank right on the main drag. One thing that really sets us apart is that we don't go to a single farmer's market, not even one.

Ben is the brains behind of all the field operations and ultimately is the person who puts all these fresh veggies in your hands every week! He is the planner, the one with all of the experience, the field surveyor and irrigation specialist. He is the beginning to end of everything green around the farm; everything a person needs to know about farming and operating a produce farm!

Here is a picture of us this last summer at a wedding- likely the only time you'll ever see any of us wearing nice, clean clothes- haha!

I'm Jodi, the talker. Just kidding, I do have other roles! :) But I really do enjoy keeping up with you all and sharing our adventures throughout the summer! I write the blog, organize our delivery routes, handle all taxes & payroll, and actually deliver most of the CSAs myself after I pack your CSAs with my crew. I'll be your contact this season if you need anything, don't hesitate to reach out!

Together, Ben & I operate our produce farm in Oak Park. We've got over 100 varieties of produce lined up for you this season and hope you'll be happy with the goodies we send home with you all summer!! :D

Your produce is in good hands!!

Usually in my newsletters you'd get a rundown on what we've been up to. Lately, it's been slower but we've been ordering seeds, picking up supplies, organizing our shed for spring seeding, and don't forget it's tax season too so there is plenty keeping us busy in the winter. In a few short weeks we'll be starting the greenhouse and seeding for this season!

Here is Luna! The newest addition to Brown Family Farm. She is about 5 months now and we're happy to say she is a smart cookie! She stays away from vehicles and doesn't wander. She has gone to some puppy classes but still tries to chase her kitties for extra kisses and some wrestling if they'll put up with it. She'll be a fun sidekick this season!

Your CSA Share Details

In the next week I'll be sending out your confirmation emails that are site specific. So you'll get an email with a layout of all the dates, a confirmation of your Share(s), along with the Member Handbook.

In the handbook you'll find the address for your pickup site along with all of the details about where your boxes will be. The section "What to expect on your first pick up" will be very helpful! There is also a lot of the "what-ifs" included in there. Like what happens if you're out of town, late to pick up, or need to switch your site, just as examples.

We look forward to being in touch periodically this spring with more updates. We start the greenhouse in just a few short weeks!! Ben & I joke about how we can't wait to get our hands dirty again- it's been a long time coming!! Stay well friends,

~The Farmer's

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