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We would be happy to grow for you.


Thank you for your interest in our CSA program! We take pride in growing a large variety of fresh produce at our farm to share with our CSA Members. Consider signing up for a "Share" of our harvest today to get your weekly box of farm fresh goods all season long!

Please don't hesitate to reach out with questions, we're just an email away! 

~The Farmer's Wife

Check out Your options here: 

Handbook cover page.png

Every CSA Member will get the Member Handbook which is specific to your CSA Pick up site. The topics on the front page are listed. Things like "What to expect on your first pick up", "Box Rotations", "Holiday Schedules", "What happens if you can't pick up", etc. 

We send out the Member Handbook in March. We'll send it out again before the season starts, along with your

Farm to Table Storage Guide!

The Guide will include tips on storage, how to utilize every part of every plant, how to process them for freezing, drying herbs, along with tons of fun info and suggestions on how to prepare and enjoy all your fresh produce this season! 

Farm to Table Storage Guide cover photo PNG.png

If you want to sign up now and pay in full, consider placing your order with the products in the store above. If you want to sign up for a CSA and would rather make payments over the next 3 months, fill out the form below and I can help you get a payment plan set up.

We just add up all of your CSA Share + Add-on Shares and divide the total by 3. Payments are due at the end of the month for the following 3 months. Example- if you signed up for a Single Share and a Fall Share it would cost ($395 + $115) $510. Divided over the next 3 months, it would be $170 each month. 

Please note: we NEVER charge late fees. This payment plan is the basic set up. If you would like a different payment schedule please note that on the form you'll fill out below.


If you want to sign up and pay in full, please do not fill out this form. Submit in-full payments through the website above please.

Here are the Membership forms here. It's the same form, just 2 different versions. One is a Word Doc (can be edited & typed on), and the other is the PDF, some folks can edit those, others print it out and write on it.


Please send your Membership form via email to:

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